It has been said that a person can never go home again, well that statement has been proved false, as hundreds
perhaps thousands are going home to work full-time as well as part-time in legitimate Wor k At Home Jobs.
Work At Home Jobs that are more than stuffing Envelopes...
Within the last few years there has been a spotlight placed on the Work-At-Home industry. There has been a boom of on-line companies, as well as brick and mortar companies advertising telecommuting positions. But as attention is placed on this budding industry, a debate has also been born on whether these opportunities are legitimate or non-legitimate.
Seen as the Holy Grail of opportunities by some, Work at Home Jobs are seen as thinly veiled scams design to dupe a naive public out of their finances by others. It is true that many years ago there were a plague of advertisements asking for that one time fee from individuals to invest in pyramid schemes or to send a small fee for the "supplies" such as envelopes to be stuffed on a commission basis. Which after an individual would pay for the opportunity, he/she would either not receive the requested items, or there would be no further contact from the said company. Therefore with the public having been shown unethical practices within some work at home offers, these experiences have vastly soured many to the suggestions that money could be made working at home.
Balancing Act: Combining Home and work
The question that could be asked is how was the public fooled by these schemes?Many would agree that the prospect of sitting around stuffing envelopes at home or otherwise would not be the most mentally stimulating of activities, so what was it that caught the publics interest and what is the lure of the telecommuting job today; Simply freedom and the desire to have the flexibility to better manage home and work.
Fact or Fiction: Are Work at Home jobs the real thing? ....
So, are Work At Home jobs the real thing? The answer can only be obtained through researching each and every company, utilizing the Better Business Bureaus within the state in which the company maintains their physical address, and also being cautious of any opportunity which requires the applicant to produce an upfront fee. Also individuals could limit their chances of being involved in a non-legitimate work at home opportunity by reading up on the subject in the numerous subjects being published on the web. Many articles have been written on the subject such as Jean Chatzky's, Financial Editor for Today', article on telecommuting jobs and setting up the home office in the Money Matters section of Today, which is sponsored by
The debate still continues and it is simply up to each individual to make a quality decision on whether telecommuting is for them. Once the decision is made then the real job begins which is searching and mining through the maze of advertisements for the right company which hopefully would lead to a life changing experience.
Good Luck!
Legitimate Telecommuting jobs:
ACD Direct
Alpine Access
American Airlines
Most successful businesses have a business plan. This business is no exception.
There are many Online Income Center’s which helps people to make money every month through its FREE online training programmes and e-courses. Their online profits e-course shows you how to make money using sites websites such as Youtube, eBay, Google, and even your own website - as well as many other methods of building an online income. Centers also explain how to spot and avoid the many "work from home" scams out there. Few centers do this for free because they charge advertisers to advertise on their websites, meaning you pay absolutely nothing.
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