Benefits and Risks of the Real Estate Game
You can earn money in your spare time or make it a full time job. Just order your complete set of real estate get
rich quick for no money down and only six monthly payments and you can earn extra money in no time.
This may sound a little far fetched but many people have seen those infomercials and advertisements for the real estate game. You know the ones I'm talking about, get a set of books, CD's and videos and you can start investing in real estate and get money for quick turn around real estate deals.
They have testimonials where people say they earned so many dollars, as much as ten to twenty thousand on one deal and it only took them a month. After years of this you can earn millions. I have news for you.
You can earn millions doing real estate deals, but the one person who is sure and guaranteed to be earning money off this kind of deal is the guy selling the set of real estate or get rich quick with no money down books, videos and CDs.
Yes, I am going to say it, this is not the deal many hope to it is. The people who are selling this have no wish to help others get rich, why would they. They are getting rich, or trying to, but not by selling real estate.
Real estate is a hard career and making money in it is work, hard work. The seminars, late night TV commercials and other ways you hear about these schemes are not all their cracked up to be. You have to realize some real world things that happen in real estate to understand what is going on in these quick turn around or no money down deals.
There are all kinds of deals they talk about at these seminars or on these types of get rich quick deals, there are a few things that require your work but not your money. A couple of schemes you find a property that is going up for sale or is close to being foreclosed and you get someone else to buy it. Or you find a fixer upper, buy the contract for it and turn it over to a company or individual who will do the remodeling and you take a cut of the deal.
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