Thursday, February 26, 2009

Questions to be Expected During the Job Employment Interview Process

What are lists of these questions?

1) The classic : “What do you see as your greatest strengths or assets”

2) The converse of the classic greatest strengths questions: “What do you see as your greatest weakness, shortcomings or areas you need to work on?”

3) What factors account for your career or employment success so far, to this point in time, or date?

4) What do you consider your most outstanding qualities?

5) In what areas are others most complimentary to you? This can either be a general question as to your whole life or lifestyle or on the job or jobsite?

6) During performance reviews what areas have frequently or often cited as your key areas of strength? This can be also queried as areas of personal strength or endurance.

7) From a job performance standpoint, what can you consider to be your best and major attributes

8) In checking with your co-workers, in what areas would they describe you as most effective? The converse would be the question in what area would they describe you as the least effective, and need wanting?

9) What aspects of this position do you feel you will feel that you perform particularly well? The converse of this would be not particularly well or not up to your best standards.

10) The all over classic employment question to be expected during the course of any interview or set of interviews and not to be missed : Describe your three ( or four, five or six) greatest strengths and tell me ( or the group of interviewers) , how you have used these to realize improvements or accomplishments in your current job , position or career ?

11) A similar question taken from another vantage point or tack could well be “Which two major accomplishments best illustrate your key or vital strengths and passions?”

12) Another similar way of restating this question in an apparently new and novel format could be “In what way do you consider your strengths, attributes or qualifications unique or distinctive from other applicants, or interview subjects applying for this or that position?”

These are a basic set of a dozen standard interview questions the like and format you should well expected to be prepared for and cover. While it is true that you can never be prepared for each and every eventuality, these questions form the basis of most job employment interview questions and scenarios. If you do not prepare ahead of time you may falter or hesitate in answering questions or situations that are presented to you during the course of any interview, sets of interviews or the interview process as a whole. Take the time to think and work through this set of a dozen standard interview questions ahead of time, before the actual job employment interview. Answer them to your own personal liking. Prepare answers in your mind and test them out on friends and family as well.

In this manner you will be best and better prepared for job employment interviews and any questions or situations that you will find in the vast majority of employment interview situations and scenarios. You will be better prepared than 99% of any other job applicants. It’s all money in the bank.

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