Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Stay At Home Mother's Office: Keeping Organized With Your Home-Based Job

Organize your mail. Mail is probably the biggest contributing factor to our messy desktops. Get in the habit of dealing with your mail on a daily basis. Toss what you can, place those things that need to be shredded into a shredder. File the rest of your mail away properly – it's helpful if you have young children to have a wall file that's out of your child's reach. Get in the habit of keeping your invoices in a place where you'll be sure to pay them on time, and file away any vendors you're interested in in a convenient place where you'll be able to access easily.

Computer and DVD Storage. Another huge contributing factor to office clutter is computer storage media. Take the time to ensure each is properly labeled and placed in a protective file or case. While you're at it, your computer files should always be organized and your files should be organized as well. Always have a place for your contracts, work projects, and other vital files. Viruses and other electronic intruders can wreak havoc on a small, home-based business. If you organize your files properly, you can easily back up your most-used, essential documents in case of a computer failure. Again, it's a good idea to have a wall shelf or computer desk that your younger kids can't get to easily.

Make it a priority to keep shared space clean. If you share your office with the hubby and the kids, make sure there are certain rules in place. Forbid eating and drinking while using the computer and make sure everyone has their own storage space for CDs and other gadgets.

Keep your supplies handy, but uncluttered. Office supplies often have a way of creeping into our space until they become a burden. Make sure you have a space away from the desk, and out of reach of little hands, that can be used as storage. A desk drawer that locks is always a blessing when it comes to being a work from home mom. Just make sure you keep the key in a convenient place.

Being a work at home mom can sometimes be stressful, but you'll find a weight is lifted when your home office is clean and organized. You'll be able to get your work done, find papers when you need them, and concentrate on other aspects of housekeeping – such as wiping sticking fingerprints off the mousepad, instead!

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