Monday, February 16, 2009

High Income Jobs - Have You Considered Working For Yourself

The Job Market

If you're looking for a high income job you should definitely consider starting your own business. In today's market with the economy in a downward slide, companies off-shoring jobs, work force reductions, down-sizing, etc. it's becoming increasingly difficult to find a safe haven in a high income position. Those of us who thought we had a job for life with a large corporation have now found ourselves being outsourced or just plain laid off.

Now with the increasing availability of broadband internet connections, more and more people are seeking home employment via the internet. And for good reason. Take a look at the following advantages: 
  • Set your own hours
  • Tax advantages
  • Reduce or eliminate child care expenses
  • Save money commuting (quite a raise these days with the price of gas)
  • Save on work expenses such as suits, lunches, other misc. expenses
  • More time for family
  • Write your own paycheck

These are just some of the advantages. You can probably think of a few more in your particular situation.

Why Internet Marketing? 
  • Internet Marketing is truly one of the few business where you can write your own paycheck. The only limiting factor is the amount of effort you put into it. Another reason this is very good option is the vastness of the market place.
  • There is really no limit to what markets you can get into. If one dries up, there are always others to tap into. You can create real multiple streams of income. Not to mention that you can market to the whole world very easily, or least a good portion of it.
  • Cost of entry: A very attractive benefit of Internet Marketing. Don't be fooled, you can start in this business with little or NO money. See the free information link at the bottom of this article.
  • Internet usage is only going to grow. More people are doing their everyday business over the internet than ever before. From movies tickets to big ticket items, people are shopping the internet.

As you can see, there are many reasons this has become such a viable solution. I know several people in this business who are earning nice 6 figure incomes. They work less than 40 hours a week, and on average their hourly pay is somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 per hour. And these are just regular Joe's. Most of these guys came from jobs where they were making less than 50k per year!

If you are like me, you are probably fed up with the corporate rat race, the constant worry over the off-shoring and down-sizing and you would rather be in a position where you have more control over your future and that of your family. This is the perfect option. Start on it part time, and build your business, and when they start handing out the pink slips and severance checks you'll be smiling because you know you will never have to return that rat race.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

I get $20 for a 20 minute survey!

Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So large companies pay millions of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, myself included, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.