Friday, February 27, 2009

bidvertiser high paying keywords

I have an account with Bidvertiser from last 3 years, but I have hardly ever used them on my sites because they didn’t performed very well in the first month (3 years back) I used them. Recently, when I was trying to diversify my earnings away from Google Adsense, I thought I will give them one more try to see whether they have improved with time. This post is my review of my latest 30 days experience with them.

On 2nd of October, I put their ad code on one of my “money making” site, on which Adsense was not a very good performer. Adsense is giving very low CPC for such “money making” sites. Somebody told me that bidvertiser works best for such sites. So I decided to give it a try for one month. Though I was not much enthusiastic about it.

After after 15 days of running bidvertiser on my site, I was happy that I took that decision. I making around $600 per month from Adsense from that site. But with bidvertiser, I made $410 in just 15 days. So, that should make around $820 per month for me. An increase of 36% over my adsense earnings.

After seeing those results, I got over enthusiastic and put their ads on two more sites. One site was pet related and other was related to jobs and employment. Now after another 15 days. I reviewed them again against my Adsense earnings. On my pet related sites, they made only about 60% of what adsense used to make me. Similarly on jobs and employment related site, it made me around 70% of what adsense used to make me. Not happy.:(

So what is my conclusion?
Well, first thing is clear that if you have a website telling people how to earn money, bidvertiser can make you better money. But it may not work for some other niche market. 

So, don’t just assume that the advertising network you have on your site is what works best for you. Always try and see what works best. Give it at-least a month month trial period, because first one week to two may not work very well.

They also have a very good referral program where you earn $10 when your referred publisher earns $10. They also give you additional $40 when the samepublisher earns $50. So in total, if you publisher earns $50, you also get $50. That is really great referral program giving $50 per referral publisher.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

If you are interested in making money from your websites or blogs with popunder ads, you can try one of the biggest companies: PopCash.