Saturday, February 7, 2009

Work at Home Stress and How to Deal with It

One of the downsides associated with work at home jobs is stress. Work at home stress can quickly eat  away at 
you, worse than the stress of regular jobs. That's because your living space becomes your workspace. When you work away from home, you're able to come home and escape the stress that goes along with your job. While work at home stress may start at home, there are ways to escape work at home stress. This article discusses what causes work at home stress and how to deal with the stress without quitting your job.

Work at Home Stress and How to Deal With It: Too Many Hours Can Burn You Out

The first thing you need to remember is that too many hours can burn you out. Work at home stress is even worse when you try to push yourself too hard. Instead of working from the time you get up to the time you go to bed, seven days a week, set a 40 hour a week schedule. A forty hour a week schedule will help you better deal with the stress.

Work at Home Stress and How to Deal With It: Your Home Is Not a 24/7 Office

When you work at home, you must remember that your living space is not a 24/7 office. This means that you should have a phone dedicated to job-related calls (if need be) and you should turn it off when you are not "on the clock". When your day is done, you should not be bothered by job-related activities.

Work at Home Stress and How to Deal With It: Interruptions Will Happen

One way to deal with work at home stress is to remember that interruptions will happen. A way to better deal with these interruptions is to schedule your day accordingly. Make a schedule that will allow time for interruptions. This way, if your child gets sick and needs to leave school school, you won't getting stressed out about it.

Work at Home Stress and How to Deal With It: There Is a Time and Place for Everything

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