Infomercials; It's hard to turn on your TV anymore without being bombarded by them. New cleaning products, the
latest in electronic gadgets, shopping online, things too numerous to mention. Perhaps the most innovative of all
these is the "home based business". You know, the one where you send in $39.95 to get the "business starter kit" that will "change your life". I'll admit I've been a sucker to a few of these claims.
I've sat there on the edge of my seat while the announcer proclaims "and if you don't get these results, return the kit within 30 days to get your money back". The only problem with that is, like most people, you order the kit, it takes 4-6 weeks to get, by then all of the enthusiasm you had when you ordered it has been taken over by your usual daily grind. "It" arrives at your door on the very day that you've just worked 12 hours. The last thing you want to do is pour over all the information in the package that holds all your hopes and dreams. After all, isn't there something good on TV tonight?
Now days have passed since your "miracle kit" has arrived. You plan to sit right down, read over the materials, dig right in and start "living your dreams", but then you're distracted again, and besides, who wants to spend the whole weekend going over more work? Before you know it, 45 days have passed and you still haven't touched the box.
So much for your 30-day money back guarantee. Your kit then goes into the closet with all the other things you've bought to start a business, all so that you can work for yourself, from home, and have no boss. Ahh, the cruel irony of life. You can't find enough time after work to start a business so that you can quit working.
What does this say about us though? Why are we so desperate to find something that will make us independently wealthy so we can retire? I consider myself an intelligent person. I'm by no means gullible, but anything that offers me the chance to kiss my job goodbye and fire my boss intrigues me. It always sounds like a chance I just have to take.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? There in lies the big problem for most of us. We just want to
be free and sometimes at any cost. This is why the infomercial panderers make a for tune! I've now come to realize
that just like any job I'd apply for, *starting a business requires the same time and attention.
As much as I would love for all of us "dreamers" to buy these start-up kits and make them a huge success, I know that, like me, most of you won't get very far. I've now opted instead to forge ahead on my own without a blueprint to follow. Maybe I won't "get rich quick" and be able to walk away from the tedium of my job. I won't be able to fire my boss, or lay on the beach all day as the money rolls in either. I can, however, become comfortable with what I love to do and possibly make my dreams come true on my own. Won't you do the same?
*(since writing this article, I have escaped the corporate rat-race and started my own ventures, I'll let you know how it pans out)
1 comment:
Just received a check for $500.
Many times people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn by taking paid surveys online...
So I show them a video of myself getting paid over $500 for taking paid surveys to set the record straight.
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