Saturday, February 7, 2009

Where to Find Accurate Information About Work at Home Jobs

Legitimate Work at Home Jobs - They Really Do Exist!

In the last couple of months, works at home jobs have been the focus of a couple of news segments on television.  
ABC's Good Morning America featured a couple of companies that hire work at home people . It has brought 
attention to the possibilities that these jobs really exist and they do. 

One message board, in particular, weeds out fact from fiction, fantasy from reality. Working at home seems like a great way to earn some extra money, supplement a spouse's income or even be a sole income. It's a solution for mothers who are unable to leave home due to children, it's a solution for retired people who find that continuing to work is something they desire, it's a solution for disabled people looking to feel more productive in society. 

What is this place you wonder? What one place can offer so much information for free? It's a message board called Work Place Like Home.  

This message board boasts over 8,000 members as of this writing. It's an active resource with helpful people who already work from home helping those who want to. There are job listings, discussions on current jobs people do and some fun stuff as well. Not only does it discuss work at home positions, it also deals in frugal living with budget ideas as well as recipes for busy work at home mothers. 

Those looking to save money will also appreciate the shopping deals listed where busy people who don't have time to go from store to store looking for gifts can see some fantastic online sale items. 

As if all of that wasn't enough, there is a section on scams. The members there look out for other members by researching scams and letting the membership know to stay away from some offers. These are so-called work at home jobs on the internet that sound really good. Without the right information, people get scammed. This message board sets the record straight on the misinformation out there.

Make no mistake; working at home isn't for everybody. It is a job just like any other job. The only difference is that  
you don't leave your house to do it. Somehow, people think it is easier and that' s not necessarily the case. Most 
jobs are of an independent contractor nature which means no benefits, no guarantees and you earn your money by doing the job itself. Most are not paid hourly. People have to be able to work without supervision, be self reliant and take accountability for their own actions. With all of that being said, working at home has been the best thing that happened to many folks. 

What kind of jobs are out there? There are telephone customer service jobs, telephone order takers, typing, data entry, transcription, even adult industry jobs. Whatever you are good at or whatever you can learn, you can find a job for. You don’t need experience in many of the jobs that are listed here. 

These are real jobs where you earn real money and get real paychecks. These are not pie in the sky get rich quick schemes, these are not sign up and sit back waiting for $10,000 checks that will never show up. These are jobs where actual work is performed. 

The message board is free to read without signing up. More sections are available to members but signing up is free and easy. Interacting with the current people on the board will net you more options. It's much like networking. The only difference is it's not done face to face. It's the members of any online community that make it a success and this message board has both...great members and a successful platform. 

Getting the right information is difficult with so many places on the internet spouting get rich quick "jobs". Get the right information and join this message board today!

1 comment:

Blogger said...

You can make $20 for a 20 minute survey!

Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying me for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.