Very recently, if you are following with what is going on in the Internet, you may probably realize many people are making money or rather claiming to be making money on the Internet by means of various Get Paid To (GPT) programs. Well, based on personal experience of endless tries and testing, I have found a very good number of good paying GPT programs.
I am not trying to exhibit how much I have earn over the course of my quest in online earning, but I believe there is an absolute need to share my experience with the Internet users to prevent falling prey by scams and cheaters. But first and foremost, I would like to introduce some of the very common and at the same time, very popular GPT programs that are available online these days.
1. Paid to click (PTC) - This is probably the most popular in the current moment as it does not require a very high level of ability in order to earn. All you need to do is to join the specific program and click on to the provided advertisements which would typically pays you 1 cent per clicked.
2. Paid to blog - This is for bloggers and webmasters who have website. All you need to do is complete the task with stipulated criterias and you will get paid for about $5 - $10 per posts. I have earn a fair bit from this type of program.
3. Paid to discuss - There are not may programs that provide such an opportunity, but it is basically the same when you post or open up a discussion in online forums.
4. Paid to search - You know Yahoo and Google right? These are search site that you use almost everyday for searching your desired web destination. Paid to Search is a program that paid you to do just that.
5. Paid to write - A site that pays you to write articles.
After introducing the various GPT programs available online, now we are going to the best websites for money-making in this five types of programs.
Best PTC -
Well, I believe many people in the online earning scene would probably agree with me that Bux.To is just the best PTC in the current moment. Not because it is paying which is the ultimate factor that any member would expect, but its impression expansion and business model. Bux.To has been expanding very aggressively and has been increasing its online earning presence with new initiatives that not only benefit the members, but also to the long time viability of the business. The customer service is great and Bux.To administrators are efficient in answering to you queries
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