Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Part time jobs in Bangalore

After Hyderabad, Bangalore was touted as the next silicon valley of India. However, due to physical restrictions, the city had stop short of further development and today, as many state has reached its saturation point. While this may not sound like very good news, for many, yet one need not lose heart, as there are still plentiful opportunities going around.

In the last couple of years, Bangalore has also attained widespread acclaim in the area of medical tourism. The medical facilities have been attracting people from around the world to visit the city for treatment, and this has brought about a large number of part time jobs in the medical field.

Even the field of information technology, a number of companies has part time, shift-wise openings for the young techno-savvy populace, as well as the senior lot, who are called in to conduct training programs.
Bangalore is also the city of creativity and arts. A large number of artisans are required to further the handicrafts of the state. Another interesting area for part time jobs in Bangalore is the field of social service. The large number of NGOs of the city keeps requiring social workers, whom they reimburse, even though it is a small sum of money.


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