When in college it can become difficult to earn money while balancing class and study time. There is no doubt that you will be earning money when you have finished college but in the mean time you need to have a little bit of money by your side.
Some of the better ways to make money for college students include paid surveys and internet marketing.
Basically paid surveys is a membership site in which you join and they send you emails containing surveys. Once completed and submitted back to them they pay you a fee which can range anywhere from 20 cents to $10.
Over time this can really build up to quite a lot of money, but finding the higher paying sites is usually quite difficult.
The other great way to make money is internet marketing because thousands are people are successful in this business.
Millions of dollars are traded on the internet every single day, so someone must be making money and you can to. Basically you sell a product under your link and it does not even have to be your own product.
When it sells you earn a commission which is usually around $30, but one sale a day is not hard to do and that's an extra $210 a week!
If you make yourself a name in the business early money really starts to roll in about 60 minutes a day work with an internet connection and a computer which all college students have access to.
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