How to make money online while in college is something many people ask today because they are basically starving students. Especially during a bad economy, these skills are needed to keep students out of debt. I'll talk about a few ways I've made money while in college using my computer.
1. Blogging - Believe it or not, you can start a blog on virtually any subject in the world and make money. As long as you put out decent material that keeps people interested and coming back to your blog, you can make money.
Google has programs called AdSense and AdWords, which can be used to monetize and promote your blog. You can learn more about that later. First, it's important to understand, which direction you want to pursue when making part time or full time income online.
2. Reviewing Products - Did you know you can actually review products and if people click your link to the product and buy them, you get a commission. This is another way to make money online while in college.
I've made money doing this while in school and many people are doing it full time. You don't even have to own the product, you can write reviews on products after researching them online and communicating with the company. The company is more than happy to help you out because you are trying to sell their product, which they gladly pay you a commission for helping them.
3. Write Articles - You can also make money while writing articles just like the one you are reading right now. How do you make money? Well, if people read your article and then decide to use one of your links while purchasing something, you can get a commission.
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