Monday, December 22, 2008

Submit Sitemaps to Search Engine

If you subit Sitemaps directly to a search engine or ping search engine you will find return status information and any processing errors. Refer to the appropriate search engine for information on monitoring the automatic submissions.

The sitemap to be submitted should hace complete URL like

  1. Submit sitemap to Google here:

    The feedback will be like this...
    Sitemap Notification Received

    Your Sitemap has been successfully added to our list of Sitemaps to crawl. If this is the first time you are notifying Google about this Sitemap, please add it via so you can track its status. Please note that we do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear.

  2. Submit to Yahoo here:

    Update notification has successfully submitted.

    Submit to LiveSearch here:


    The feedback will look like Thanks for submitting your sitemap.

  4. Submit your sitemap to

    The feedback will look like
    Thank you for your ping. The moreover database will be updated with the new data from your url - as soon as possible.

  5. Submit your sitemap to

    Your Sitemap submission was successful
    Your Sitemap has been successfully received and added to our Sitemap queue.
    Thank you for your submission!

    About Sitemaps: is a proud participant in the Sitemaps via robots.txt protocol . We look forward to our collaboration with Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft and others in furthering important initiatives that make search easier for webmasters and more powerful for users.

    For more information on this service, please refer to our information for webmasters or go to

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