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If you have a blog, website, or forum, with a minimum PageRank 1 or Alexa rank under 2,000,000 (2 million), you could earn more money from your website. I am not referring to contextual ads of Google, yahoo! or Bidvertiser.
I have recently joined Through this program, I can buy links as well sell links that can earn me a couple of dollar every month. provides secure, easy, and fast checkout flow so you could get your text link ads or banner ads live within 2 minutes after online payment.
Web sites and blogs that are on platforms like PHP, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ASP, JSP, and hosted blogs at or can avail of this opportunity.
If you would like to monetize your blog or website, you could visit Ask2link to learn more. Ask2link is a search engine marketing company that specializes in selling text links and banner ads.
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