In Australia, most of the people are working in a good job in a big organisations. But some people are doing interesting jobs in online like part time work. I have more Indian friends in Australia. They are staying in Sydney and Melbourne and some of them in interior place in Australia. I asked them about the jobs environment in Australia and Indian Jobs environment together and I just want to know the difference between India and Australia.
"Australia is the nice place to work in anytype of job because the system is very nice to work in AUS. But sometimes we think about India and our relative and colleagues otherwise it is very nice place to work and it is very nice place for living. Australia having nice environment for living and working condition. Because Australia dont have much population and most of the city is having 70 per cent population in Australia other villages got only 30 percent population.
We always want to stay in Australia to work any job because it is having more Indian hotels and we have more Indian grocery and all Indian foods here to enjoy our life" they told me. They explained more, "Most of the Indian people working in Shipping Companies, Export and Import Companies and some people are working in software company in Australia. Now, We just enjoy our life every day and we are working five days weekly and we enjoy the leave for days Saturday and Sunday."
I asked them about part time jobs and Online jobs in Australia. The explained, "Some people are doing part time work in jobs online but some people are having portal websites like,, some related to the dating, part time work. We also found some people are doing affiliate programs in Australia. And Some people are doing SFI (Six Figure Income) to get more online money through SFI Product sales."
I got very nice reports through my friends about Australia here. Moreover, Most of the people are working in online jobs and affiliate programs worldwide. My opinion is you just try to work in online to get some free money in your part time to spend more money in your shopping.
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