I have collected some useful information on Work at Home and Data Entry Job Scams for your reference here. Go through those points and avoid those scammers. If you have been scammed, then share your stories here at the comments section, so that others will avoid being scammed. Don’t forget to refer the below Scam sites list.
Identifying Data Entry Job Scams
Data entry jobs from home are hard to start up and it needs a lot of effort, self-motivation and knowledge. After all no people will hire a person thousands of miles away to convert crucial and confidential paper data into digital especially when they have never even met or interviewed the person.
Data entry scams can be easily identified when a company demands money to be sent for a training kit etc. Employers pay money to the employee and not vice versa. Therefore warning bells should be heard while coming across such offers. Another warning is regarding advertisements blaring of get-rich-quick schemes.
Home based data entry jobs may make a person earn a decent income but cannot make him a millionaire. It is highly difficult to differentiate between a legitimate one and a scam. The best option available would be to check with the BBB or FTC for the legitimacy of the site. Consumer protection sites and antifraud sites available on the Internet can be helpful to some extent. Better still is to join online forums and communities and examine from others who have tried different sites. But the safest of all is to choose data entry sites that offer money back guarantee - at least to save the skin.
Data entry jobs online are available in abundance and, there are also as many people willing to undertake these jobs. A person is half way through if he finds a legitimate one and the rest is to make efforts to market and draw potential clients to be hired. A competitive resume and cover letter will take one step ahead of others and a previous experience is an added advantage.
To join a legitimate, scam- free data entry job, there are certain tips:
It is advisable to join popular and respected online forums, which are free of cost.
It is better to register as a member of a few Webmaster forums and if possible link a website.
The regulations and policy of the forum should be read thoroughly. It is good to take enough breathing time to gain valuable insight and get information and resources instead of rushing in.
This can be the blueprint to avoid data entry scammers.
The modus operandi of scam data entry is that without giving any details on the kind of data they just say “typing data into a couple of fields” and demand a registration fee. Instead of the job, they send an eBook asking to write ads. This is called affiliate marketing. These scams have three ways of misleading; first, data entry scams do not pay to enter names or addresses into database. Secondly a registration fee is charged to gain access to list of merchants, which can be obtained free elsewhere. And thirdly they hide the fact that more money will be extracted later.
Therefore thorough investigation and caution are necessary from taking on a data entry job and check whether there is money back guarantee.
Work at Home Job Scam Sites list: (Prepared on the comments and other online sources)
Bellow is a list of type at home, data entry, affiliate marketing and online survey scams that are out there. This list was compiled in a great forum by many experienced and credible people who have either tried the programs themselves or researched them thoroughly. Remember IF ITS ON THE BELOW LIST, ITS A SCAM! Avoid the scam.
10×25 E-gold - http://10×25eg.envy.nu/
250% Plus - http://i2u2me.hihome.com/ImportedFiles/250plus.html
300Day$ - http://i2u2me.hihome.com/ImportedFiles/300…daydollars.html
365jobs4u - http://www.365jobs4u.com
5% * 30 - http://www.101h.com/qdmz2003/index.html
80% each day for 3 Days - http://gold-eagle.vze.com/
Ace Gold - http://www.acegold.funurl.com/
Adarbitrage - http://www.adarbitrage.com/
Advanced Gold Programs - http://www.advancedgoldprograms.org
Alfa Invetsment - http://www.alfainvestment.com/
Ally Gold - http://www.allygold.com/
Amiscue - http://www.amiscue.com
Anchor Investment - http://www.geocities.com/anchorinvestments…nvestments.html
Atlantic Invest - http://www.atlantic-invest.com
Atom Gold Investment - http://www.atom-gold-investment.filetap.com/
Aurora Holdings - http://www.auroraholdings.com/
Beta Gold - http://www.betagold.bravehost.com/
Bill Killer
BigOnDating Real Investment - http://www.bigondating.com/invest.htm
Bisnis Online - http://www.bisnis-online.com/
Brideby - http://www.Brideby.com
Business HYIP - http://www.businesshyip.com/
Business Invest - http://www33.brinkster.com/businessinvest/
Cash Creation - http://www.cashcreation.com
Cash Flow - http://cashflow.netfirms.com/
Cash Investment - http://www.cashinvestment.net/
Cash Paradise - http://www.cashparadise.org/
Century Investment Group - http://www.centuryinvestmentgroup.cc/
Cheap Investment - http://www.cheapinvestment.vze.com/
Christmas Day Gold - http://www.geocities.com/christmas_day_gold/
CIDA Fund - http://www.cidafund.tk/
Classic Gold Game - http://www.101h.com/classicgoldgame/
Club 300 - http://www.club300.no-frills.net/
Club Prosperity - http://clubprosperity.com/
Crystal Gold - http://crystalgold.250x.com/
CT Gold - http://www.ctgold.tk/
Daily FX Trading - http://www.dailyfxtrading.com/
Data Entry Made Easy-http://www.dataentrymadeeasy.com/
DexiGold - http://www.dexigold.com
Digital Pixel - http://www.digitalpixel.net/
Digit-Gold - http://www.digitgold.com
Direct Money Connection - http://www.directmoneyconnection.com/
Dollar Baster - http://www.dollarsblaster.com
Double e-gold - http://egoldx2.free-host.com/
Double Gold - http://www.101h.com/doublegold/80×3
Double in 5 Days - http://www.101h.com/doublein5days/doublein5days
Dream HYIP - http://www.dreamhyip.com
Eazygold - http://www.eazygold.com/
E-Bank - http://www.e-bank.tv/
EfoxBridge.com - http://www.efoxbridge.com/
E-Forex-Gold - http://e-forex-gold.envy.nu/
E-Global International - http://www.e-globalinternational.com/
E-Gold 400 - http://members.lycos.co.uk/egold400/egold4…d400/index.html
E-goldInvestClub - http://www.egoldinvestclub.tk/
E-Gold Luck - http://egoldluck.com/
E-Gold Mall - http://www.e-goldmall.com/
E-Gold Master - http://egoldmaster.net/
E-gold Savings - http://egoldsavings.com/
E-Gold Solution - http://www.freewebs.com/egoldsolution/
EIDC 10% Daily - http://10pd.eidcweb.com/
Energy Investment - http://energy-invest.envy.nu/index.htm
Equitas Fund - http://www.geocities.com/equitasfund
E-Share - http://www.e-share.org
Equitas Fund - http://www.geocities.com/equitasfund/
Euro Profit Club - http://www.europrofit-club.com/
EWallet - http://ewallet.cjb.net/
Express Earnings - http://www.expressearnings.com/
Fair Gold Investment - http://www.fair-gold.com/
Fantasia - http://www.damn2002.com/fantasia
FAST SPEND-RESPEND! - http://fsr.vze.com/
F-Gold - http://www.fgold.virtue.nu/
Financial Work - http://www.financial-work.com/
Fit Investment - http://www.fit-investment.com/
Five Gold - http://www.fgold.virtue.nu/
Fredman’s Invest - http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/fredmansinvest
Forex Golden - http://www.forexgoldenfund.tk/
Forex Pool - https://www.forexpool.com/
Forex Zero - http://www.forexzero.com
Fredman Invest - http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/fredmansinvest/
Future HYIP - http://www.futurehyip.com/
Future Invest - http://www.futureinvest.tk/
Future Invest 2003 - http://www.geocities.com/futureinvest2003/home.html
Fx Investment - http://www.fx-investment.com/
G3Traders - http://www.g3traders.com/
GeaGold - http://www.geagold.com/
Get Profit - http://www.get-profit.net/
Global Profit Club - http://globalprofitclub.freewebsitehosting…profitclub.h tml
Glow Gold - http://www23.brinkster.com/glowgold/index.htm
God Father Gold - http://www.godfathergold.com/
Gold4Life - http://www.gold4life.com/
Gold Asia - http://gold-asia.envy.nu/
Gold Autumn - http://www.101h.com/goldaut/index118
Gold Carbone - http://www.goldcarcone.com ?
Gold Cool - http://www.gold-cool.mm.to/
Gold Doctor - http://golddoctor.netfirms.com/
Gold Doors - http://www.goldcreator.com/golddoors
Gold Equilibrium - http://www.goldequilibrium.com/
Gold Forus - http://www.goldforus.com/
Gold Generation - http://goldgeneration.com/
Gold Giant - http://goldgiant.itgo.com/
Gold HYIP - http://www.goldhyip.com/
Gold Income - http://www.goldincome.org
Gold Invest - http://gold-invest.biz/
Gold Leader - http://www.goldleader.biz/
Gold Profit - http://www.101h.com/goldprofit/
Gold Purpose - http://www.goldpurpose.com/
Gold Race - http://www.goldrace.biz/
Gold Service Investments - http://www.gold-service-investments.com/
Gold Spare - http://www.goldspare.com ?
Gold System - http://www.goldsystem.org/
Gold Vest - http://www.gold-vest.com/
Gold Wire Investment - http://www.goldwireinvestments.com/
Golden Buck - http://www.goldenbuck.com/
Golden Deposit - http://www.101h.com/goldendeposit/_default.htm
Golden Forex - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goldenforex/
Goldenhyiper - http://www.goldenhyiper.com/
Golden River 2004 - http://golden-river-2004.com/
Golden Street - http://www.101h.com/intergold/streetgold
Golden Stairway To Heaven - http://gsth.game.vg/
Golden Sunday 2002 - http://members.lycos.co.uk/goldensunday2002/
Golden Way - http://golden-way.biz/
Golden Week! - http://www.101h.com/goldenweek
Goldin-Vest - http://www.goldin-vest.envy.nu/
Gold Mine #9 - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goldmine9
GoldShooting - http://www.goldshooting.tk/
Gold Storage - http://www.gold-storage-int.com/
HB Investment - http://hbinvestment.com/
Hedge Syn - http://www.hedgesyn.com/
Hidden Traders - http://hiddentraders.tk/
Hi Gold - http://www.higold.tk/
Honesty Egold Ins - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Honesty_Egold_Ins
Home profits data entry
Honest Game 2003 - http://www.geocities.com/honestgame2003/
HourGold - http://www.hourgold.com
HYIP Finance - http://www.hyipfinance.com
HYIP-Invest - http://www.hyip-invest.com
HyipforYou - http://www.hyipforyou.com
I2u2Me - http://i2u2me.hihome.com/
Imperial Gold - http://imperialgold.isthe1.com/
Imperial IClub - http://imperialiclub.com/
Income Builder - www.income-builder.com/
Industry-Gold - http://www.industry-gold.com/
Inter Bank Investment - http://www.interbank-investment.com/
Inter Gold - http://www.101h.com/intergold/intergold
INVES-SPEND - http://www.investspend.envy.nu/
Invest 99 - http://www.invest99.com/
Invest Metal - http://www.investmetal.alqird.net/
Invest Planet - http://www.invest-planet.com/
Iprior - http://www.Iprior.com
King Midas Gold - http://www.kingmidasgold.com/index.html
Lasting Gold - http://mysterygold.freewebsitehosting.com/…lastinggold.htm
Leading Fund - http://www.leadingfund.com ?
Love Gold - http://www32.brinkster.com/lovegold132/
MaestroGold - http://www.maestrogold.com/
MaMa Gold - http://www.mamagold.envy.nu/
Matrix Gold - http://www.matrix-gold.com
Max Bux - http://www.maxbux.net/
Max to Gold - http://max-to-gold.com/
MaxxGold4all - http://www.maxxgold4all.com/
Mega Service - http://magservice.t35.com/
Mix Gold - http://www.mixgold.com/
MoGold - http://www.mogold.net/
Money-Online - http://moneyonline.chip.ms/
Monster Profit - http://www24.brinkster.com/monsterpf
Multi Bonus - http://www.multibonus.true.ws/
Neoig - http://www.neoig.net/
NetGold - http://goldcreator.com/netgold/?ref=509611
New Year Gold - http://www.newyeargold.com/
Nitro Power - http://www.damn2002.com/nitropower/
Nuta Club - http://www.nutaclub.com/
OffShore Venture - http://offshore-ventures.com/
Omega Investment - http://www.omega-investment.org/
Omni Double - http://omnidouble.vze.com/
One Day Gold - http://www.101h.com/onedaygold/
OTR Investments - http://www.otr-investments.com/
Paying Club - http://paying.cjb.net/
Pay U Gold - http://fire.prohosting.com/payugold/
Pioneer Trading - http://www.pioneertrading.now.nu/
Planet Egold - http://www.planet-egold.net/
Premium Gold - http://www.premiumgold.net/
Primagold - http://www.primagold.bravehost.com/
Prime Star - http://www.prime-star.com/
Private Gold - http://www.privategold2002.tk/
Process At Home - www.processathome.com
Profit Egold - http://www.profitegold.com/
Quick Bucks Profit - http://www.geocities.com/quickbucksprofit/
Quick Shuttle - http://www.quickshuttle.mini.to/
Rama Gold - http://www.ramagold.com/
Rate4Gold - http://www.101h.com/rate4gold
Ratingold - http://www.ratingold.filetap.com/
Real Earnings - http://www.real-earnings.com/
Real Webmaster.com - http://www.real-webmaster.com/
Risa Investments - http://www.risainvestments.com/
Rotex Investments - http://www.rotexinvestments.com/
Royal Invest - http://www.royalinvest.tk/
Royal Lexus - http://www.royalexus.com/
Safe HYIP - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/safehyip
Save Share - http://www.saveshare.com/
Season Investment - http://www.seasoninvestment.tk/
S-G-I - http://www.s-g-i.vze.com/
Silver Forest - http://mysterygold.freewebsitehosting.com/…lverforest.html
Smart Investments - http://www.smart-investments.org/
Spacegold - http://www.spacegold.mail333.com/
SportsArbitrageInvestor - http://www.SportsArbitrageInvestor.com
Sports Trader - http://sportstrader.ws/
Stable Profit 2004 - http://stableprofit2004.com/
Steady Fund - http://www.steadyfund.org
STIPGOLD.COM - http://www.stipgold.com/
Striders Arrow Fund - http://www.stridersarrowfund.com/
Super Affiliate Website
Super Earn - http://www.superearn.com
Super Gold - http://supergold.freewebsitehosting.com/supergold.html
Super Platinum - http://www.101h.com/edward/superplatinum.html
Surprise Gold - http://www.surprisegold.vze.com/
Surreal HYIP - http://www.surrealhyip.com/
Teco Invest - http://www.tecoinvest.com/
Terma Gold - http://www.termagold.com/
THD Investment - http://www.thd-investment.com/
The Fun - http://www.101h.com/thefun/index.html
The Goldenbatch 8 - http://www.freewebs.com/goldenbatch
The Gold Explorer - http://www.thegoldexplorer.co.nr/
The Quest Investment - http://www.freewebs.com/thequest
Three Days Profit - http://www.threedaysprofit.qc.tc/
Time4ataco - http://time4ataco.com/
Trade For Gold - http://www33.brinkster.com/tradeforgold/
Tremble of Gold - http://www.trembleofgold.com/
Trust Investing - http://www.trust-investing.com/
Trust Uniion - http://www.trust-union.com/
Try and Get - http://www.tryandget-online.com/
Twenty Gold - http://www.geocities.com/twenty_gold/
Twinturboboost .com
Up Gold - http://www.freewebs.com/upgold/index.htm
ULife Fund - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ulifefund/
UTI - http://www.uti.mirrorz.com/
Vertical Gold - http://verticalgold.netfirms.com/
VHyip - http://www.vhyip.com/
Virtual Shares - http://www.virtualshares.com/
Vision Investment Group - http://www.visioninvestmentgroup.com/
V-Mart - http://www.vmart.6x.to/
Web Money Investor - https://www.webmoneyinvestor.com
Web Trade Club - http://webtradeclub.com/
Web Trade Investment - htp://www.webtradeinvestments.com ?
Weekly 25 - http://www.weekly25.com/
Weekly GWP - http://www.weeklygwp.com/
Weekly E-Gold - http://www.weeklyegold.com/
World of Gold - http://www.world-of-gold.com/
World Wide Invest - http://www.worldwide-invest.com/
XAP 200 - http://www.xap200.spyw.com/
Zadollars - http://www.zadollars.com/
Zerogold1015 - http://www.zerogold1015.envy.nu/
Z-Fund - http://www.z-fund.com/
It Ends Here
At least for now this is what I have compiled and unfortunately the list will continue to grow. The list was compiled from forums, research, peoples trials and my own personal experiences. So please use this a guide. IF ITS ON THE LIST, ITS A SCAM!